Minutes: July 17, 2017


  • Present
    • Anne M. Alston
    • George Becerra
    • Jay Bhandari
    • Rebecca Borton
    • Paul Davis
    • Bryan Graham
    • Bob Haley
    • Kia T. Hamel
    • Morgan Jameson
    • Ernestine Jenkins
    • John Jennison
    • Sue Langley
    • Dan Press
    • Rachel Rifkind
    • Alex Rodriguez
    • Penny Rood
    • Keith Scarborough
    • Lainie Singerman
    • Jacklyn Smith
  • Excused
    • Hon. Jennifer Boysko
    • Hon. Gerry Connolly
    • Tom Greeson
    • Kathy Hackshaw
    • Hon. Dorothy Holley
    • Richard Jessie
    • Lola Quintela
    • Manisha Singh
  • Guests
    • Sandra Klassen
    • Janet Carver


  1. Call to Order: by interim Chair Haley, 8:02 p.m.
  2. Roll Call: Jennison
  3. Guest Introductions
  4. Motion to approve agenda by John, 2nd by Penny; no discussion. Approved by unanimous vote.
  5. Approval of minutes: motion by Dan; 2nd by Lainie; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.
    1. April 17, 2017 11th CD meeting
    2. May 13, 2017 11th CD convention
    3. June 5, 2017 Fairfax Caucus meeting on vacancy (Richmond)
    4. June 5, 2017 11th CD meeting on vacancy (Richmond)
    5. June 17, 2017 11th CD
  6. Treasurer’s Report by Rachel Rifkind as of 6/18/2017. Federal account: $4,173.86. Non-federal account: $2,954.74.  Motion for report to be filed by Rachel; 2nd by Morgan; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.
  7. Chair’s Report by Bob Haley: multiple fundraisers across the state; chair’s meeting at Arlington HQ.
  8. Vice Chairs’ Reports
    1. Fairfax County (Sue): Coordinated campaign increasing hiring organizers; 12 regional directors with two in Fairfax County.
    2. Prince William County (Ernie): 4th of July Parade had great showing; canvassing; next meeting 7/27 at Kelly Building; 9/29 Jenkins’ crab feast; Dottie Holley; Recent House of Delegates candidate 2nd Foy.
    3. Fairfax City (Penny): Good 4th of July Parade; special election for city council 9/12.
  9. Halfway to St. Patrick’s 9/17 at Aulde Shebeen, 4:30-7 pm.  Rebecca to make flyers; Lainie to organize silent auction; Rachel to run check-in; Manisha decorating; Bryan posting website.
  10. Tech/Comm Working Group: Lainie & Paul reported conference call with Rebecca; website improvement; Rebecca working with Indivisible Groups.
  11. Caucus/Committees: Bob sent out listing by email to committee members.
  12. Special Election in Fairfax County for School Board Member August 29.  Motion for $1,000 donation to Keys-Gamarra by Morgan; 2nd by Dan; discussion re budget committee creation by Bob; other fall election candidate donations.  Amended motion for $500 donation; 2nd by Morgan; Dan’s 2nd of original motion removed; approved by unanimous vote.
  13. Diwali 2017: Jay spoke of plans
  14. Emeriti Members: Bob suggested for future consideration
  15. Next Central: Sept. 23 in Fredericksburg
  16. Other Business: Penny thank you flowers; Lainie needs auction items.
  17. Announcements
    1. Bob: Reston/Herndon Indivisible Group outreach meeting
    2. Sandra: “Pipeline Fighters” film screening at GMU library 8/3
    3. Dan: Keys-Gamarra fundraiser Sunday at Bettina Lawton’s
    4. Sue: “Sustainers Society” Lorton Brunch
  18. Next Meeting: skip August -> Sept. 18, 2017 8pm FCDC HQ
  19. Motion to adjourn by John; 2nd by many; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.