- Present
- Anne M. Alston
- George Becerra
- Jay Bhandari
- Rebecca Borton
- Paul Davis
- Bryan Graham
- Bob Haley
- Kia T. Hamel
- Morgan Jameson
- Ernestine Jenkins
- John Jennison
- Sue Langley
- Dan Press
- Rachel Rifkind
- Alex Rodriguez
- Penny Rood
- Keith Scarborough
- Lainie Singerman
- Jacklyn Smith
- Excused
- Hon. Jennifer Boysko
- Hon. Gerry Connolly
- Tom Greeson
- Kathy Hackshaw
- Hon. Dorothy Holley
- Richard Jessie
- Lola Quintela
- Manisha Singh
- Guests
- Sandra Klassen
- Janet Carver
- Call to Order: by interim Chair Haley, 8:02 p.m.
- Roll Call: Jennison
- Guest Introductions
- Motion to approve agenda by John, 2nd by Penny; no discussion. Approved by unanimous vote.
- Approval of minutes: motion by Dan; 2nd by Lainie; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.
- April 17, 2017 11th CD meeting
- May 13, 2017 11th CD convention
- June 5, 2017 Fairfax Caucus meeting on vacancy (Richmond)
- June 5, 2017 11th CD meeting on vacancy (Richmond)
- June 17, 2017 11th CD
- Treasurer’s Report by Rachel Rifkind as of 6/18/2017. Federal account: $4,173.86. Non-federal account: $2,954.74. Motion for report to be filed by Rachel; 2nd by Morgan; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.
- Chair’s Report by Bob Haley: multiple fundraisers across the state; chair’s meeting at Arlington HQ.
- Vice Chairs’ Reports
- Fairfax County (Sue): Coordinated campaign increasing hiring organizers; 12 regional directors with two in Fairfax County.
- Prince William County (Ernie): 4th of July Parade had great showing; canvassing; next meeting 7/27 at Kelly Building; 9/29 Jenkins’ crab feast; Dottie Holley; Recent House of Delegates candidate 2nd Foy.
- Fairfax City (Penny): Good 4th of July Parade; special election for city council 9/12.
- Halfway to St. Patrick’s 9/17 at Aulde Shebeen, 4:30-7 pm. Rebecca to make flyers; Lainie to organize silent auction; Rachel to run check-in; Manisha decorating; Bryan posting website.
- Tech/Comm Working Group: Lainie & Paul reported conference call with Rebecca; website improvement; Rebecca working with Indivisible Groups.
- Caucus/Committees: Bob sent out listing by email to committee members.
- Special Election in Fairfax County for School Board Member August 29. Motion for $1,000 donation to Keys-Gamarra by Morgan; 2nd by Dan; discussion re budget committee creation by Bob; other fall election candidate donations. Amended motion for $500 donation; 2nd by Morgan; Dan’s 2nd of original motion removed; approved by unanimous vote.
- Diwali 2017: Jay spoke of plans
- Emeriti Members: Bob suggested for future consideration
- Next Central: Sept. 23 in Fredericksburg
- Other Business: Penny thank you flowers; Lainie needs auction items.
- Announcements
- Bob: Reston/Herndon Indivisible Group outreach meeting
- Sandra: “Pipeline Fighters” film screening at GMU library 8/3
- Dan: Keys-Gamarra fundraiser Sunday at Bettina Lawton’s
- Sue: “Sustainers Society” Lorton Brunch
- Next Meeting: skip August -> Sept. 18, 2017 8pm FCDC HQ
- Motion to adjourn by John; 2nd by many; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.